John — We heard it straight from Attorney General Eric Holder when he announced our 10 Year Plan this week: the fair maps movement has big goals for the next decade, but we need to hit a lot of smaller goals along the way if we’re going to be successful. That work is happening now — let’s start by reaching our February grassroots fundraising goal. Our monthly budget deadline is at midnight, and we’re aiming to raise $20,000 — can we count on you to chip in now?
This particular end-of-month fundraising goal is important because so much is at stake this year. In several key states, we have the chance to undo decades of partisan gerrymandering — just this month in Wisconsin, we saw years of hard work pay off. The rigged stranglehold Republicans have on state government is over — the state will hold elections this fall under maps that are finally fair. Our democracy and the fight for fairness is on the ballot across the country this fall. Moments like this are an early test for the fair maps movement to build something together strong enough to win. Thank you,
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