
I was proud to vote alongside my colleagues to give Americans the critical relief they deserve during this public health crisis. While this was an important first step, there is a lot more work to be done.

Montana's doctors and nurses cannot wait on government bureaucracy for another moment to protect themselves from the virus while they treat sick patients. Supplies are dwindling and folks are sewing their own masks, or going without them altogether and getting sick themselves.

Our doctors, nurses, and other health care professionals on the front lines of combatting COVID-19 cannot wait any longer for action. The Trump Administration has the equipment to provide necessary protection for these workers, it’s time they release it now.

What possible excuse is there for this unconscionable delay that puts Montana's health care workers' lives at risk? Where are the masks?

I’m calling on the Trump Administration to release hundreds of thousands of necessary masks and to activate the Department of Veterans Affairs’ responsibility to act as a backup health care provider for the nation in times of emergency.

If you’re with me, I need you to sign my petition demanding the Trump Administration stop stalling and give Americans the protection they deserve.


Thank you for adding your voice to this critical fight.

— Jon