I wanted you to be the first to know this is my first official week as President & CEO of Common Cause. Because you are one of our most dedicated supporters, I wanted to reach out personally.
And as I’ve gotten to know the Common Cause team, it’s only confirmed what I already knew: Common Cause is one the most important organizations working to save our democracy in our country right now.
We’re the People’s Lobby for a reason—and that’s why I’m here. I want to do the work of the people with the people.
Now, I want to hear directly from supporters like you! Watch this short video message from me, then let me know your thoughts on how we can move our democracy forward >>
And John, I’m no stranger to this work. You may know me as the previous CEO of the League of Women Voters, but the truth is I’ve been an organizer since I was a teenager.
I’ve always been passionate about justice, democracy, and civil rights. Just ask my kids—I used to bring them with me to community meetings, rallies, and hearings when they were little.
And I want you to know this: I know what it’s like to not see yourself represented or have your voice heard. That's why I’ve dedicated my life to amplifying the voices of youth, immigrants, and women.
Here at Common Cause, there’s so much opportunity for us to grow our impact. My vision is for us to be the premier organization holding power accountable at the national and state level.
That’s the work you and I are privileged to do together in this moment—and I’m ready to get to work.
I look forward to seeing you at our next rally or webinar, and until then, follow me on Twitter at @kasevirginia (and follow @CommonCause if you haven’t already!)
Thanks for all you do,
Virginia Kase Solomón, President & CEO
and the team at Common Cause
P.S. Can you share my video with your friends, family, and co-workers?