I have to admit...
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Hi John,
It's the end of February - Leap Day - and a major deadline for our
campaign. What's more, the Primary is just days away. I'd like to
give you some detail on where we are in the race, and why a strong
showing today is crucial. But if you only have a moment, you can make a
donation here
I have to admit to some bad news: we missed our target for both the last
month of 2023 and the first month of 2024. While this is cause for
concern, it's not cause for alarm - yet. It comes after we
**met**our goals for each month before that thanks to your amazing
Where we could get into trouble is if the trend continues, and the hole
becomes bigger and harder to climb out of. That makes today's deadline
truly very important. It presents an unprecedented challenge for us: we
need to cover significant ground to reach our target for this month,
**and** need to make up for the shortfalls of the past two.
To help us get back on track, you can make a citizen donation at this
Our opponent Jessica Morse spent five years in the Newsom
Administration, only resigning recently to run against us. She was with
Newsom throughout his COVID reign, calling opposition to mask and
vaccine mandates a form of "domestic extremism." Morse wrote: "An
American insurgency is growing, manifesting in local protests around
masks and vaccines."
Morse began her campaign by declaring: "Kevin Kiley is a problem." She
started the campaign with hundreds of thousands in her account before
raising even a single dollar. Newsom also set her up with Eric
Swalwell's campaign manager (he also apparently directed his Chief of
Staff to troll me on Twitter).
Please help me fight back against Newsom and Morse in time for
tonight's end-of-month deadline
Speaking of Swalwell: It was recently discovered he spent $22,000 in
campaign funds on Super Bowl tickets. This is an especially egregious
example, yet far too many campaigns spend lavishly and disrespect their
By contrast, I treat every dollar donated as precious. In fact, our
campaign has the lowest "burn rate" in the entire country. I realize
you are making a personal sacrifice when you donate to our cause.
That's why it's important to me that I sign all Thank You notes
myself, so that I can see the name of each person who made that
sacrifice for the good of our state and country. Invariably, I feel a
wave of gratitude, a powerful sense of rejuvenation for the battles
If you can provide support for today's deadline, at this link, I would
be truly grateful
I am incredibly humbled when supporters tell me I'm the first elected
official they've ever donated to. It's by getting more citizens
involved that we will take back our state and country from the likes of
Newsom and Morse.
Whether you have been a loyal supporter throughout our battles together,
or are making a first ever contribution, your support makes a tremendous
difference. It is the key to our movement: it's why we have been able
to win battle after battle, with the odds stacked against us.
With a donation at this link, you will provide the armor we will need
for the battles to come
And the battles ahead will be our most important yet. Our country is in
grave danger. The border crisis has never been worse. The decline of our
state is continuing, even accelerating.
And yet, at the same time, I feel a sense of hope. In 2024, we stand at
a crossroads, with everything on the line. This is where the collective
impact of our victories can swing the momentum of history in an entirely
new direction - and we see a new day for our state and country.
I believe we all have a role to play in bringing that new day about. But
if Newsom and Morse are successful in snuffing out our movement, it may
never come. That's why I need your help.
I need your help to get reelected and assure they do not prevail. I need
your help to continue fighting for California, and fighting for America.
You can make a quick, secure citizen donation at this link
Thank you!
Paid for by Kevin Kiley for Congress
Kevin Kiley for Congress, 9458 Treelake Road, Granite Bay, CA 95746, United States
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