
Rep Sylvia Garcia's Monthly Update - February 2024! 

February 29, 2024
Dear  John xxxxxx,

I hope this newsletter finds you well and enjoying the great February weather. As a reminder, tomorrow is the last day of the early voting period and the primary election is March, 5th for all levels of government. Don't forget to hit the polls and make sure that your voice gets heard! Click Here to find your polling location. 

This month has been packed with exciting holiday moments and hard work, I'm thrilled to share some exciting updates and highlights: 

ImageLegislative Updates
  • Black History Month: I cosponsored two pieces of legislation to uplift Black constituents in our district: the Black History Month Resolution of 2024 and the Black History Month Resolution African American Medal of Honor Recipients to award a Congressional Gold Medal to the Freedom Riders. 
  • This month we hosted students from Milby High School on a Capitol tour during their annual trip to Washington, D.C. It was great to talk to our nation's next generation of leaders. 
  • The House Democratic Caucus held their annual issues conference, where House Democrats come together to talk about key priorities and plan for the next year. I had the opportunity to ask President Biden about the Dream and Promise Act and how we will continue to protect Dreamers. 
  • Chief Chris and Legislative Correspondent Isela had the opportunity to meet with several community partners to talk about the district. This month staff met with Hope Clinic, Legacy Community Health, YMCA of Greater Houston, American Federation of Government Employees local 1633, and many more!


Community Updates
  • This month we kicked off the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo season at the Houston Rodeo Dignitary Breakfast. I met community members that have benefited from Rodeo scholarships and visited with Pat Mann Phillips, the first female chair of the Rodeo. 
  • For Valentines Day, I stopped by Michael E. DeBakey VA Medical Center to hand out handmade valentine cards to our veterans. Thank you to all the schools that participated and brought a smile to our veterans' faces. 
  • Team Garcia stopped by BakerRipley for the opening of their new Verizon East End Learning Center. This center in our district is working to reduce the digital divide in our neighborhoods with their youth and adult learners programs. 


Local Projects
  • I, along with Rep. Al Green and Chairman Pete Sessions, met with U.S. Postal Service representatives to discuss extreme mail delays in the region. USPS apologized to us for their mistake and ensured us that mail ballots, medications, and merchandise will not continue to be delayed. 
  • Earlier in the month the district office team along with staff from Rep. Green's office toured the North Houston and Missouri City Mail Processing Center. It's important to our team that our constituents get their mail on time!

Casework Updates

In the month of February, Team Garcia has successfully closed five constituent cases related to DACA and Employment Authorization Document renewals. These renewals are essential to DACA recipients, as they rely on work authorizations to provide for themselves and their families. Team Garcia prides itself in taking these cases seriously and ensuring that USCIS understands the urgency of each of these cases.

For help with active federal cases, call our Houston office at (832) 325-3150.

For regular updates be sure to follow our social media pages:


I look forward to continuing to work hard for you next month! Thank you for allowing me to represent you in Congress. 





Sylvia R. Garcia
Member of Congress




