John –

Did you know that the PCR went up to $75 this year? That means that Minnesotans can make a contribution of up to $75 to Julie’s campaign and the state will refund you for 100% of it.

It’s how we keep the big money at bay in Minnesota elections and encourage grassroots support.

But it doesn't work without your help.

Will you make a contribution today to help keep Julie’s campaign going?

Day in and day out Julie is working on our behalf, whether it’s keeping an eye on our tax dollars in Saint Paul or crisscrossing the state to help elect more Democrats this fall.

This spring alone she has trips planned that will take her to every corner of our state.

Can you help keep her fighting for Democrats? Every dollar will help.

Thank you,

Chris Kluthe
Blaha for Auditor


Minnesotans for Julie Blaha
P.O. Box 17083
Saint Paul, MN 55117
United States