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I'll be straight with you, John—

I’m emailing you to ask if you’ll make a contribution to my campaign. Let me explain:

Every month, my team sets internal fundraising goals to help determine our budget and priorities.

As I’m sure you can imagine, there’s not much room for error now that the election season is here. And between my work in the Senate to secure our border and kick dark money out of our elections, I haven’t had much time to keep tabs on our fundraising.

But my finance director just told me that it’s pretty clear we’re not on track to reach our end-of-month goal by tomorrow.

You know I hate asking for money. But because we’re a campaign built from the ground up, with supporters chipping in what they can, every fundraising email like this can make a huge difference in reaching our goals. That’s why I’m asking:

Can you make a contribution today to help us hit our goal before tomorrow's midnight deadline?

Please use the links in this email to start a monthly donation through ActBlue.

Every contribution we receive helps me spend less time worrying about fundraising and more time focused on doing the work Montanans elected me to do.





As a third-generation Montanan and the U.S. Senate’s only working dirt farmer, Jon Tester is committed to protecting the Montana way of life.

In the Senate, Jon takes his cues from the rural communities, veterans, and working families that elected him—not special interests or super PACs.

That’s why we’re counting on you to help reelect Jon and keep him fighting for rural communities in the Senate. Click here to chip in and fuel our grassroots campaign >>