Pro-Abortion Advocates Sue Texas For Saving Lives During COVID-19

Governor Greg Abbott issued an executive order earlier this week that halted all elective surgeries in order for hospitals to have enough beds and personal protective equipment to treat people infected by COVID-19. Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton followed with an opinion that clarified that abortion is included in the prohibition on elective surgeries saying: “This prohibition applies throughout the State and to all surgeries and procedures that are not immediately medically necessary … such as orthopedic surgeries or any type of abortion that is not medically necessary to preserve the life or health of the mother.”

But in the midst of a national coronavirus pandemic that has claimed thousands of lives, abortion advocates are more concerned about performing abortions in order to end the lives of babies in the womb. After learning they could no longer abort babies while Texas experiences a health crisis that could cause medical supply shortages, abortion rights advocates, including Planned Parenthood, have filed a federal lawsuit against Governor Abbott and Attorney General Paxton. As Attorney General Paxton said after coming on a special Texas Values Facebook live to talk about this issue, “[It is] unconscionable that abortion providers are fighting against the health of Texans and withholding desperately needed supplies and personal protective equipment in favor of a procedure that they refer to as a ‘choice.’ 

While many pro-abortion activists are calling the Governor’s office in order to exploit a national crisis, please take the time to contact Governor Abbott and thank him for protecting lives.



Watch Our Special Facebook Live With Attorney General Ken Paxton

This week, Texas Values hosted a special statewide Facebook Live with Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton that received national attention. General Paxton called in to talk with Texas Values President Jonathan Saenz about important coronavirus updates for Texas, including Governor Greg Abbott’s recent executive order that halts abortions throughout Texas. Jonathan also spoke with our Policy Advisor Mary Elizabeth Castle about some important coronavirus related updates for pro-life pregnancy centers and churches.



Important Resources And Updates

In this unprecedented time caused by the coronavirus pandemic, our entire Texas Values team remains steadfast in our commitment to ensure faith, family, and freedom are protected across Texas. As part of our work during this time, we want to provide you a regular updated list of important resources, government and news announcements, and video updates that are important for our supporters to be aware of. We are updating a special blog post with information.


Home School Expert Joins Program

On the most recent edition of the Texas Values Report, host Jonathan Saenz spoke with our good friend Tim Lambert, President of the Texas Home School Coalition. Jonathan and Tim discussed important and helpful tips on how to effectively home school children with schools closed throughout Texas. You can watch the live streamed video of the program or listen to the podcast here.



Texas Values is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to standing for faith, family, and freedom in Texas. Copyright © 2020 Texas Values, All rights reserved.

Texas Values
900 Congress Ave.
Suite L115
Austin, Texas 78701
(512) 478-2220