We urgently need your support to defend Jamaal Bowman’s seat this June.

Justice Democrats


New congressional maps are coming in New York state before this June’s primary, and they could impact Rep. Jamaal Bowman’s Democratic primary fight against a GOP-backed moderate challenger in NY-16.

The maps are getting close to being locked in this week, and AIPAC is coming with everything they have to unseat Jamaal. They’ve already raised $600,000 for his opponent’s campaign, including tens of thousands from Republican donors, and they’re successfully convincing some Republican voters to switch parties just so they can vote against Jamaal.

It’s go time: split a grassroots donation between Justice Democrats and Jamaal’s campaign NOW to ensure we have the resources to fight back and keep a true progressive Democrat in this seat →

Jamaal’s opponent is a white, career politician who’s using GOP money to run against the first Black Congressmember to represent this district — and he’s insulting Black Democratic voters along the way.

A new HuffPost article notes how George Latimer chose to highlight the accomplishments of Black elected officials at an event last month, while completely failing to mention Jamaal. One attendee said, “I can’t believe that he doesn’t know what he’s doing when he’s trying to surgically remove representation — not just somebody who looks like me and shares my gender, but someone who represents my issues in a way that very few other elected officials do.”

Every day, we're reminded how powerful career politicians like Latimer are. Our system lets Super PACs, lobby groups, and corporate allies like AIPAC prop them up, while they divide and dilute the voices of Black, brown, poor, and working-class communities they’re vying to represent.

Now is the time to fight back.

We can’t afford to lose Jamaal’s critical representation, leadership, and moral clarity in Congress this June. Please, chip in whatever you can to support Justice Democrats and Jamaal before tomorrow’s February deadline.

Contribute $3

— Justice Democrats


Do not worry if you cannot afford to make a contribution — we understand that this is a difficult time.

There are other ways to make an impact in support of peace and equality in Israel and Palestine: please urge your member of Congress to support a ceasefire through Adalah Justice Project’s petition or by calling them using Jewish Voice for Peace’s dialer here. Your voice matters in this critical moment.