Dear John,

Has the coronavirus got you hunkered down? Depressed about the shockingly inadequate response coming out of the White House? The CPUSA website has plenty of reading and viewing materials to keep your mind active and maintain hope in these dire times. A complete list of articles on the website is available here, but the following are some recent offerings.

CPUSA Co-Chair Joe Sims reports to the National Board on the coronavirus crisis and how the Party should respond.


This Week @CPUSA: Friday’s chat focuses on the coronavirus crisis, what's needed in addition to the $2 trillion relief package, how to organize during this period of staying at home, and a new Mailbag question.  


For more on the coronavirus crisis, read about Cuba's humanitarian response in Response to COVID-19 Crisis: Ideology Makes a Difference. We interview an Italian national in It Will Be Alright: The COVID-19 Crisis in Italy.


Anne Burlak Timpson was a prominent Communist Party labor activist. Read her bio by Tony Pecinovsky, author of Let Them Tremble.


The Youth Vote and the Socialist Moment focuses on the importance of young Bernie supporters continuing his legacy.

Why did some British working-class voters go for conservative Prime Minister Boris Johnson in the January elections? Find out in Brexit, the Working Class, and Labour’s Lost Election.


The Brooklyn and Colorado clubs are on the move. Read about their recent activities here.


Read a review of Jodi Dean’s Comrade: An Essay on Political Belonging.


Joe Sims is interviewed in Reflections on the Communist Movement, Democracy, and the Resistance.


We offer a Marxist IQ in honor of Women’s History Month.


An excellent webinar about Party activists James and Esther Cooper Jackson has been uploaded. And you can access all the Marxist Classes webinars here.

Happy reading and viewing!

Yours in struggle,

Website Collective


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