Let me be very clear: I'm not saying the Communist Chinese released this on purpose. I'm saying that I believe they were likely illegally developing biological weapons of mass destruction and that this deadly virus escaped from their military bioweapons lab in Wuhan, China. I believe what they developed was, in effect, a terrorist weapon, illegal under international law, and now they must pay for their crime against humanity! Why should We the People pay for the massive damage the Communist Chinese government has caused to you and our loved ones?
Furthermore, our FOIA requests will show us whether this was deliberate, or just incompetence. Either way, because of their failure, America has suffered hundreds of billions of dollars in economic damage, and, according to the CDC, millions of people may become infected. Tragically, some have already died, and many more may soon. Let me be even clearer about something else... China can legally be required to pay out the nose for this. Remember, the Communist Chinese currently have trillions of dollars in assets invested in U.S. banks, securities, real estate, and other investments. These assets could be legally seized and liquidated. Donald Trump brought this legal concept up in 2016 when he asked why former President George W. Bush and Barack Obama didn't require the Iraqis to use their oil revenues to pay for the war in Iraq. So why shouldn't Communist China have to pay for the HUGE financial damage it has caused to Americans?
They SHOULD! Don't you agree? Otherwise, taxpayers like you and me will have to foot the bill! Simply put, we are working 24/7 to bring the Communist Chinese to their financial knees for unleashing this plague on America! But we can't do this, and protect President Trump, without the continued support from faithful friends like you, Fellow Patriot. That's why I'm counting on you to send your generous gift of $15, $20, or even another $10. Because in addition to filing these emergency FOIA requests to defend President Trump, and filing this class-action lawsuit against the Communist Chinese government, Freedom Watch is also fighting back with our hard-hitting lawsuits against the Democrats behind the "WITCH HUNT"! Like how we're about to become the first group to indict Democrat Presidential candidate Joe Biden, and his equally sleazy son Hunter, for their alleged corruption! I have already sued Joe Biden and his campaign in my personal capacity, as when I announced that Freedom Watch would seek his indictment before a Citizen Grand Jury.
Even better, most recently I personally filed a MASSIVE $265 million dollar defamation lawsuit against failed Democrat presidential candidates Pete Buttigieg and Elizabeth "Fauxhontas" Warren for their tweets against my client, George Zimmerman, that accuse him of being a racist! Now we're hitting these Socialists where it hurts them the most: Their wallets!
On top of this, your continued support is absolutely critical to help make sure we can prosecute and convict the number one Democrat behind the "RUSSIAN COLLUSION" Witch Hunt... Special Investigator Mueller! With your help, Fellow Patriot, we'll "try and fry" this political hack in our Citizen Grand Juries and do everything we can to make sure he ends up where he belongs: Behind bars! We need to set an example for the future; no more leftist witch hunts, period!
No matter what amount you send, please remember that Democrats are exploiting our fears about the Coronavirus pandemic and stock market collapse to get rid of President Trump. If that happens... Trump's MAGA agenda will grind to a halt. Unhinged leftists will screech with joy. Maxine Waters, Omar, Tlaib, and other Dems will throw parties and drink champagne (on your tab!). And "Crooked Hillary" will put on her fanciest pantsuit and cackle her way into another coughing fit. I know where I stand - right next to the President! I hope you're standing next to us. God Bless America, President Trump, and you during these trying times.
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