Join us Saturday, March 2, to help build a Third Reconstruction

Dear John,


On Saturday, March 2, supporters just like you are heading to their state houses for the nationally coordinated Mass Poor People’s and Low-Wage Workers’ Simultaneous State House Assemblies. Together, we’re building a Third Reconstruction. We know the power statehouses have in impacting policy, which is why we demand: 

  • Abolishing poverty as the fourth leading cause of death in the U.S. 

  • A living minimum wage of at least $15 +/hour (indexed for inflation) 

  • Full and expanded voting rights

  • Ending voter suppression

  • Guaranteed workers’ rights & labor rights

  • Healthcare for all

  • Affordable, adequate housing

  • Stopping gun violence,  profit and proliferation 

  • Fully protected women’s rights

  • Environmental justice that secures clean air & water 

  • Fully-funded public education 

  • Just immigration laws 

  • An end to hate, division, and the extremist political agenda

Just last week, our movement held simultaneous press conferences in their states to mobilize for March 2nd. Fusion coalitions of impacted people, faith leaders, social justice advocates, and people of moral conscience came together, and hand-delivered letters to the top leadership of their state government to demand they address the crisis of poverty and low wealth in their states. State leaders also announced their participation in our simultaneous mass assemblies on Saturday, March 2, to launch a mass voter mobilization effort to ‘Wake the Sleeping Giant’ of 15 million poor and low-wage voters. 

We know that the biggest opportunity to build support for a moral agenda that lifts from the bottom is among poor and low-wage voters. March 2 is not just one day of action. It is a launch, and declaration of an ongoing, committed moral movement to shift the political narrative and build power among the over 135 million poor and low-wage people in our country to declare everybody in, nobody out.

Our agenda is clear, and our demands are moral. It’s time that our policies, politics, and legislation center the 135 million poor and low-wealth people in this country. We won’t be silent anymore.


Forward Together, Not One Step Back,


National Field Team, on behalf of Campaign Co-Chairs


Bishop William J. Barber, II

National Co-Chair of the Poor People’s Campaign

President & Senior Lecturer of Repairers of the Breach


Rev. Dr. Liz Theoharis

National Co-Chair of the Poor People’s Campaign

Director of the Kairos Center for Religions, Rights, and Social Justice