Here’s why: SEEC PAC is the leading environmental organization in Congress with over 90 members who are committed to building a more sustainable future.
Your support helps our members keep up their work on the issues that matter most - everything from tackling climate change, safeguarding clean air and water, promoting renewable energy, and protecting animal welfare. Our members of Congress are focused on these specific issues every single day.
This year, we’re counting on your support to re-elect every single one of our SEEC members. Plus, we have to win at least 3 more seats to take back the House majority from extremists and pass more legislation on the most pressing environmental issues of our time.
That’s where your $5 donation comes in! When you donate $5, it adds to the person who donated before you, and that person adds their donation to the next. It all adds up to one giant coalition of grassroots supporters committed to defending our planet!
Can we count on you to donate just $5 today and be a part of our climate movement?
You are a critical part of our team,