Forward together: For pre-convention discussion

By CPUSA National Committee

The pre-convention discussion period, leading up to our 32nd National Convention in June, is now here! The CPUSA National Committee adopted this document at its Jan. 27th meeting to frame the party's collective discussion, which is now taking place in clubs and districts across the country. An introduction to the main discussion document from CPUSA co-chair Joe Sims can be viewed here. This document is the first of three, the second of which will be on the role of the party. The third will be on the international situation.

More on the 32nd CPUSA National Convention

Join us for the 32nd National Convention

How to participate in our pre-convention discussion

How does the Communist Party elect its leadership?

Pre-convention discussion: The only class that can lead the green transition is our own

Cease Fire bulletin, issue 6

By Communist Party USA

A new labor ceasefire coalition has been formed involving several national unions, plus lots of activities from clubs around the country. Last but not least, ceasefire news from around the globe. Keep the pressure on!


Good morning, revolution! Alabama judge thinks two cells is a baby

By Communist Party USA

Alabama's assault on reproductive rights, Trump's war on migrants, ceasefire update, and the fight against racism on the cultural front.


Edie Fishman, Communist fighter for equality, peace, social justice

By Special to

Joining the YCL in the '30s, Fishman was active all her life in union and community struggles against fascism and racism, for workers' rights, housing, healthcare, and peace.

Trailer Park America highlights the crimes of capitalist housing

By Anita Waters

Leontina Hormel's book examines the exploitation of a working-class mobile home community in Idaho and its connection to other issues.

Trans youth and Virginia’s science-free education overhaul

By Emily Jane Dennis

Virginia's Governor Glenn Youngkin is in a stand off with the natural sciences.

New York needs Right To Counsel, Good Cause Eviction, and public housing

By NYS Communist Party, Housing Committee

Read the committee's testimony submitted to the New York State Assembly Joint Legislative Budget Hearing on Housing.

100 years later: What did Lenin give to the world?

By Joe Sims

Lenin's contributions to the development of Marxism remain indispensable to today's struggles for democracy, peace, and socialism.

Dashiell Hammett: from Pinkerton spy to proletarian writer

By Norman Markowitz

From Pinkerton detective to anti-fascist writer and CPUSA activist hounded by HUAC and the FBI, Hammett's experiences and politics led to major developments of the private detective genre.

From our readers: the best of 2023

Carrying on a many-sided struggle: A tale from Twin Cities

Dallas–Fort Worth club: putting labor up-front

CP D.C.: What we did in 2023

The Detroit CP in 2023: Putting its mark on “Strike City” struggles

Columbus CP: 2023 wrapped

As Marx famously wrote, "The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." When you join the CPUSA, you will be connected with a local club engaged in daily on-the-ground struggles for a better world. That is where the rubber meets the road, and our working class and people need you in the fight.

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