From Adam Schiff <[email protected]>
Subject Sleazebag
Date February 28, 2024 11:02 PM
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Donald Trump leveled yet another vile personal attack against me recently at an Iowa campaign rally, riling up his crowd and online MAGA supporters, and here’s why it matters:

California’s Republican presidential primary and our Senate primary elections both fall on Super Tuesday, March 5 . Trump’s legions of MAGA supporters are all eligible to vote in our Senate primary election. We will have to respond to Trump’s lies and attacks by then.

So before I share the ugly details, will you rush a split contribution of $10 or anything you can afford between NewDems and my campaign to help fight back and respond? » [[link removed]]

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“ Adam Shifty Schiff, with a neck like a pencil. I said, how does he hold up that fat, ugly face , with a neck — Pencil Neck. We call him Pencil Neck. W hat a dishonest guy .”

I have to tell you — being accused of dishonesty (let alone a fat ugly face) by none other than Donald Trump is a badge of honor that I will always wear proudly. Because it shows he is afraid of me. And he should be. I hold him accountable and don’t let him run over me like he does so many others.

But this is bigger than just me. Trump loathes being held accountable to the Constitution and our democracy, and he lashes out against anyone who will defend them.

His attacks on me, on judges and prosecutors, on the press, are an attack on our entire constitutional order of government, and with California’s 22 million registered voters preparing to vote on Super Tuesday, we cannot let Trump’s attack go unanswered.

So, rush a split contribution of any amount between NewDems and my Senate campaign to help me respond to Trump’s latest vile personal attack. I need you with me today. » [[link removed]]

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your split donation between Adam Schiff and NewDems will go through immediately:

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CONTRIBUTE $100 » [[link removed]]
CUSTOM AMOUNT » [[link removed]]

Trump would not attack me so often if he wasn’t terrified of seeing me elected as California’s next U.S. Senator.

With your support today, we’ll make his worst fears come true — and ensure that neither he nor any other demagogue can damage our democracy the way he did, ever again.

— Adam

Paid for by the New Democrat Coalition Action Fund
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

910 17th St NW, Ste. 925, Washington, DC 20006

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