
Dear Friend, 

There’s no doubt our budget process is broken. But as our national debt tops $34 trillion, there is a source of serious government spending that often flies under the radar: executive rulemaking.


Rulemaking, or the policymaking power given to the executive branch, allows government bureaucrats to expand their authority and dictate policy using “major rules” without Congressional authorization. Major rules are federal rules that the Office of Management and Budget determines may result in an economic impact of $100 million or more. This authority gives these agencies the power to dictate significant policy matters without Congressional approval.

This system has been abused for far too long. Since 1996, there have been more than 1,929 major rules published by federal agencies, resulting in nearly $200 billion in cost for the American taxpayer.

We have introduced legislation to address this extreme overreach and give the power back to the American people and their elected Representatives in Congress. Our bill, the Sunset Act, requires every major rule over 10 years old to receive Congressional approval or be terminated. Requiring Congressional approval on major rules will rein in wasteful spending and significantly reduce the number of unnecessary and outdated rules that are costing American taxpayers millions of dollars a year.

We cannot allow unelected bureaucrats to drive up our national debt unilaterally. The Sunset Act will rectify this situation and put us on the path to a sustainable future.






This mailing was prepared using official funds authorized by the U.S. House of Representatives.
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