We’re planning our last weekend of canvassing, and realized that our budget is short.

Hi John — We’re emailing because we now officially have less than ONE WEEK until our critical California Primary Election.

We’re planning our last weekend of canvassing, and realized that our budget is a little bit short.

Will you consider pitching in a donation to support our volunteers who will be doing door-to-door for this FINAL weekend of canvassing before our primary?

Donating $65.00 can help us print our final order of campaign literature in your area.

Donating $28.99 can go toward ordering an extra large pizza for phone-calling volunteers.

Donating $19.00 will help us buy a pack of ponchos for those going canvassing (rain is in the forecast across much of California).

Or contribute whatever you can, believe us, every single bit helps!

CHIP IN $5 >>

CHIP IN $15 >>

CHIP IN $35 >>

CHIP IN $55 >>

CHIP IN $105 >>

John — We are doing everything we can to get volunteers to organize in the most competitive swing districts across California.

But we know that supporting our volunteers with ponchos, pizza, and supplies makes a real difference. That’s why our heart dropped when we realized our budget was a little short to buy these things going into our FINAL weekend of canvassing.

Will you please rush a donation right now to help us support our canvassers and volunteers through the last weekend before our critical Primary Election? We’re hoping to raise $2,500 from this email before midnight so we can get the orders in.

CHIP IN $15 >>

Thank you,

- The CADEM organizing and field team

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Paid for by the California Democratic Party | www.cadem.org | Not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee.
California Democratic Party
1830 9th St
Sacramento, CA 95811
United States