To all our elected officials…THANK YOU!
Please join me and all York Countians in thanking our elected officials for their performance during this time of crisis. Congressmen Scott Perry and Lloyd Smucker have been exemplary in working with the President and their colleagues to assure federal resources are available and answering all questions they receive from their constituents.
Our State Representative Delegation, Stan Saylor, Keith Gillespie, Seth Grove, Carol Evans, Kate Klunk, Dawn Keefer and Mike Jones and our 4 State Senators, Kristin Phillips-Hill, Mike Regan, Doug Mastriano and Dave Arnold have been working tirelessly to answer questions, direct resources and standing up for individuals and small businesses unfairly impacted by state government orders.
Finally, our County Commissioners and all our County and Municipal Officials too numerous to name deserve kudos their hard work. Overseeing, supporting and directing first responders and local law enforcement and working with our health care providers, they are the front line troops mobilized to protect us from this invisible enemy.
We are indeed fortunate in York County to have such a great team. May God bless them and their families and may God bless the United States of America.
Chairman Jeff Piccola
(717) 854-7276