We’ll keep this quick, folks. We just wanted to make sure you saw Mark’s email earlier this month.
This year, it’s going to take every single one of us to protect our Senate majority.
So, with just one day until we close the books for February, will you pitch in $2 towards our $12,000 end-of-month fundraising goal to preserve our 2-seat Senate majority?
Thank you,
Team Warner
—------- Forwarded message ------—
From: Mark Warner
Subject: Can you read this before midnight?
Sent on: February 17, 2024
My team just showed me this concerning headline:

- CNN, 2/12/24
And according to the article, this year “Democrats will be defending more seats in precarious political terrain than in any other election during the 2020s.”
Will you rush a $2 donation before our mid-month fundraising deadline in a few hours to protect our razor-thin 2-seat Senate majority?
Losing our Senate majority will have far-reaching consequences. Not only would a Republican Senate majority erase all the progress we’ve fought so hard for, but it would further threaten our already corrupt Supreme Court and it could very well mean a national abortion ban.
If we lose our battleground states this year to the GOP, it will be immensely more difficult to flip them when the next election rolls around.
Let’s set ourselves up for success for years to come and help our frontline Democrats win this November. Donate $2 now >>>
Thank you,
Mark Warner