We have an historic opportunity to win this seat and have a blue-collar worker be the deciding 51st vote in the U.S. Senate – instead of someone who takes millions from corporate PACs and special interests.


The latest poll shows me 2 points AHEAD of Republican Senator Deb Fischer here in Nebraska. Just 24% of voters approve of the job she’s doing in Washington.

Here’s why that matters: We have an historic opportunity to win this seat and have a blue-collar worker be the deciding 51st vote in the U.S. Senate – instead of someone who takes millions from corporate PACs and special interests.

I’m not a politician. And I’m not rich. I’m a steamfitter and mechanic who was president of my local union until I was fired for leading a strike that saved hundreds of good-paying jobs. I’m exactly the kind of candidate that can go up against a corporate politician and win this critical seat – but I need your help now to do it.

We need to raise another $75,000 before our end-of-month fundraising deadine to flip this seat, but right now, we’re still short with time quickly running out.

Please, can I count on you to make a donation to my campaign – any amount you can afford – to help me defeat Republican Senator Deb Fischer and win this seat in November?

I’m not taking money from corporate PACs. My campaign is 100% funded by grassroots donors like you, so no amount you can give is too small.

Thank you so much for your support,

Dan Osborn