My mom taught me to never give up, no matter how hard it gets.

Michelle Vallejo for Congress

My mom taught me to never give up, no matter how hard it gets. That’s the spirit of our home — we never back down and we never give up.

My campaign has always been about South Texas fighting for South Texas & that's exactly what we will continue to do, folks. 

No matter who else is in our corner, no matter what comes our way, no matter who we are up against — if we come together, I know we can finally work towards the future South Texans deserve.

My faith is in the power of the people. We are strong, we are mighty, and we will prevail.

Folks, we’re just one day away from our End of Month deadline. What we raise now will determine our outreach efforts for this last crucial week before the primary so I need your support BIG time. Can you make a donation now so we have the resources we need to reach out to as many TX-15 voters as possible before March 5th?

If you've stored your info with ActBlue Express, we'll instantly process your contribution to Michelle Vallejo:

South Texas is a beautiful place and it’s deserving of leaders who will speak with dignity and honor about our communities.

When we get to Congress, I will make sure every single person across our country knows that South Texas is strong and worth fighting for.

But I can’t make that a reality without you. I’m counting on grassroots support to power our outreach ahead of the primary — your support powers this ENTIRE campaign.

I’m NEVER going to give up on you. Folks, can I ask you to do the same and make a donation today to help us meet our deadline? That’s the spirit of our home, we never back down and we never give up.

¡Vamos Por Quince!

Michelle Vallejo