
As our country grapples with the impacts of the coronavirus pandemic, President Trump and Republicans in Congress are still continuing their despicable campaign to destroy the Affordable Care Act. Their lawsuit in the Supreme Court could destroy this crucial, lifesaving program at a moment in our history when healthcare matters more than ever before.

During these especially stressful and serious times, a president should be doing whatever it takes to bolster everyone's right to affordable healthcare – not cruelly attempting to rip it away from millions.

We must stand against these relentless attempts to sabotage the Affordable Care Act. Will you join me? Click here now to demand Congress protect access to affordable health care for all Americans.

This Supreme Court case is yet another jolting reminder of Trump’s willingness to play politics with the healthcare – and the lives – of millions of Americans. He cares more about a political win than the well-being of those he was elected to serve.

Healthcare should never be an exorbitant luxury – not right now, when we need care the most, and not ever again. The Senate must protect and expand coverage under the ACA, and your voice alongside mine has never been more urgently needed:

Please, click here now to tell Congress: Protect every American's right to quality, affordable healthcare.

Thanks so much,


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