Big news, John:
Congress is voting on a policy that would help end child poverty.
This proposal would expand the Child Tax Credit (CTC), which supports struggling families nationwide. If it passes, more parents will be able to afford essentials – and more kids will grow up with safe housing, nutritious food and critical learning opportunities.
Tell Congress: We can’t waste this chance to change children’s lives.
Child poverty is a policy choice… and this one is a no-brainer. In 2021, expanding the CTC cut child poverty in HALF!
But those improvements expired, pushing families back into poverty. When lawmakers let all that progress slip away, child poverty rates nearly DOUBLED.
Expanding the CTC works, John. This time, it’d reach 16 million children from low-income backgrounds – lifting half a million out of poverty by next year.
Let’s make sure this proposal passes. Please, send a message today.
Thanks for being a voice for kids,