
Did you get a chance to read our previous email?

We here at Shift WA have consistently updated you on the "Let's Go Washington" initiatives during the legislative session, highlighting Democrat lawmakers' failure to hold public hearings.

There's progress – Democrats finally – and reluctantly – scheduled hearings for crucial initiatives like I-2113, I-2111, and I-2081. But the remaining three citizen initiatives have been left sitting on the sidelines.

To continue our work, we need your help. Please contribute $100, $50, or $25 today to meet our monthly goal and keep you informed.

Thank you,

The Shift WA team

Begin forwarded message:

Despite ongoing liberal resistance, there was a newsworthy breakthrough last week! Democrats reluctantly scheduled hearings for TODAY and TOMORROW to discuss three crucial initiatives: I-2111 (banning all future income taxes), I-2113 (allowing police pursuits), and I-2081 (ensuring parental rights in K-12 education).

Because of leap year, we have one additional day to reach our monthly fundraising target! But we urgently need your support right now!

We hope that you have found Shift WA a dependable source for updates on the "Let's Go Washington" initiatives during the current legislative session. We've consistently shone a light on Democrat lawmakers who have failed to fulfill their constitutional duty by neglecting to hold public hearings for all six citizen initiatives certified for action.

Despite ongoing liberal resistance, there was a newsworthy breakthrough last week! Democrats reluctantly scheduled hearings for TODAY and TOMORROW to discuss three crucial initiatives: I-2111 (banning all future income taxes), I-2113 (allowing police pursuits), and I-2081 (ensuring parental rights in K-12 education).

Public pressure forced Democrats to schedule these hearings. We consider that a win, knowing that we played a role in keeping the public informed about what’s really happening in Olympia.

To meet our monthly goal and sustain our work, we need your help. Please consider contributing $100, $50, or $25 today.

Your support is critical to enabling us to continue our work of holding those in power accountable and keeping you informed.

Thank you,

The Shift WA team