Hey there — I wanted to let you in on something: today is our Finance Director, Benjamin’s birthday!

I’m grateful for the work he puts in to ensure our team of organizers has what they need to connect with Arizonans in every county. You see, making sure a Party like ours has enough money day-to-day is a huge responsibility. Races are getting more and more expensive to run in every cycle, and our team is working to elect Democrats at every level of government.
To be honest, he’s been a little preoccupied today and worried about where our online contributions will fall this month. He’s completely wrapped up with call time to help close the gap.
So that’s why I had to reach out today: can you pitch in $22.60 (our average online contribution this month!) or whatever works best for you this week to help us begin March on the right foot?
If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:
If everyone reading this far pitched in even just a dollar, we’d complete this goal in no time.
Thanks for everything you do.
— Morgan Dick
Executive Director