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Advancing the progressive agenda

Trump made 56 false claims last week
Trump calls women he doesn't like fat pigs, dogs, slobs, and disgusting animals. President Donald Trump made 56 false claims last week, delivering his usual assortment of dishonesty about immigration,…
Climate Activists Fighting for the Future of the Planet
Click on link above to see video This is the last chance for America to elect someone who has the consistency and integrity to really make the change. If we…
Plan To Stop Runaway Prescription Drug Prices
PRESS RELEASE Letting Medicare negotiate with drug companies for lower price prescription medications and cracking down on pharmaceutical industry fraud to rein in runaway prices for prescription medicine. Prescription prices…
Yes, America Is Rigged Against Workers
No other industrial country treats its working class so badly. And there’s one big reason for that. The United States is the only advanced industrial nation that doesn’t have national…
Older posts you may have missed

Who Has The Potential To Become An Effective Nominee For An Increasingly Progressive Party
Progressive Party Comes Out Strong for Bernie Sanders
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez responds to criticism of progressives at Democratic debate
'Insulin is our oxygen': Bernie Sanders rides another campaign bus to Canada
Trump again accused of racism after Twitter attack on Rep. Elijah Cummings
Progressives to Democrats: We're Watching the Way You Mistreat 'the Squad'
Hoping for More AOCs, Progressives Target Moderate Democrats with Primary Challengers
Progressives continue battle to abolish cash bail in Nevada

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