From John Ammon <[email protected]>
Subject Your Daily News Roundup
Date February 28, 2024 1:45 PM
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Trump Is Blunt and Right About NATO [[link removed]]
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They just can’t take a joke. The former president Donald Trump made a sarcastic crack about encouraging Russia to attack NATO members who didn’t invest in their defense, and hysteria enveloped both Washington and Brussels. For some officials, the imbroglio appeared to signal the end of Western civilization.

Even worse, Europeans realized that they might have to do more for themselves militarily. The continent’s policymakers have begun thinking the unthinkable. Reported the New York Times, “European leaders were quietly discussing how they might prepare for a world in which America removes itself as the centerpiece of the 75-year-old alliance.” What is the world coming to if European governments can no longer cheap-ride the U.S.? The horror!
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Kirk Cameron Christian author and actor: “I mean at the end of the day the two great commandments of Christianity are to love God with all of your heart, mind, soul, and strength. And the second is to love your neighbor like yourself. If you tolerate the kinds of things that bring misery to your neighbors, and ultimately strip them of their liberties, you’re not loving them.”

John Kass When terrorism strikes—and it’s inevitable that it will—you can bet that Biden and his loyal Democrat stooges in corrupt corporate media will try to shift the blame and point fingers at Republicans. And if you try to point out that Biden signed some 95 presidential executive orders to unravel and kill all the good work Trump had done on the border they’ll just open their mouths like mythical flesh eating harpies and scream. Bet that it will happen.

Daniel Oliver contributor to American Greatness: The 25th Amendment to the Constitution sits there, unused, unloved. Dead. From foul play. And chaos watches and waits. Smiling.
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Arizona News: February 28, 2024 [[link removed]]

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Nikki Haley’s Backers Spent Millions Boosting Her Bid In Her Home State. She Still Lost By 20 Points [[link removed]]

Political action committees and advocacy groups supporting Nikki Haley’s presidential bid spent millions in her home state of South Carolina, only for Haley to lose by 20 points in the state’s Saturday primary.

Groups including the pro-Haley SFA Fund, the Koch-backed Americans for Prosperity Action, and the liberal dark money-funded Defending Democracy Together collectively pumped over $8 million into supporting Haley in South Carolina between March 2023 and the February primary, according to Federal Election Commission (FEC) data. Meanwhile, Donald Trump’s backers only spent roughly $370,000 boosting the former president in South Carolina this election cycle.
Bill Allowing Cheaper Blends Of Gasoline Passes Arizona Senate [[link removed]]

A bill aimed at lowering gas prices by allowing more types of gasoline to be sold in Arizona passed the Arizona State Senate on Thursday.

In Maricopa County, environmental regulations allow for only two blends of gas to be sold to consumers, one winter blend and one summer blend, referred to as Cleaner Burning Gasoline, according to a news release.

Senate Bill 1064 passed along party lines, but Democratic Sen. Catherine Miranda voted in favor, making the final tally 17-11-2.
BREAKING VIDEO: The Elites Who Want to Change The World ( Victor Davis Hanson) [[link removed]]
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