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As we move into the heat of this election year, never forget what's really at stake. 

The lawlessness and excesses of the Biden administration aren't just taking place at the border. 

Joe Biden is going to email recipients himself that his administration has gone around Congress, and outside the law, to unilaterally forgive $400 billion in student loan debt.

They are leaving no doubt, and not trying to hide it: this is an administration that plays favorites - and pits Americans against Americans for the sake of their own political fortunes. 

It's morally bankrupt. And it's going to further bankrupt our country. 

This administration is picking winners and losers on their own, and putting hard working Hoosiers on the hook for the bad decisions of their favored few. 

This plan will cost taxpayers who made responsible educational choices $400 billion. And as far as we know, it won’t stop there. 

The thousands of Hoosiers who chose not to go to college or already paid off their loans according to their word shouldn't be forced to foot the bill for those who made a different choice. 

Know this: I am blowing the whistle on this as hard as I can. But it won’t stop until we have a leadership change in Washington. 

Call it “payback” of our own - but your small contribution today will help me lead our GOP field of Senate candidates to reclaim a clear majority on Capitol Hill. 

The administration can only go around a Congress that lets them. And with the right crop of fresh, conservative leaders in charge, WE WILL NOT LET THEM KEEP PAYING OFF THEIR FRIENDS AT YOUR EXPENSE. 

My message today simple: Let’s do all we can to not let them get away with it. 

Yours in Service,





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