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Dear Friend,
What I’m about to say may sound all too familiar and you know why? Because I said it before… in July of 2022 to be exact. I sent out an email as I’m doing now that said: We need GOOD paid leave policies not BAD ones. So why am I back again sharing the same message that we need GOOD paid family and medical leave policies?
Well thank you for asking. It’s because we need Congress to understand just what a GOOD paid leave policy looks like. A good paid leave policy is one that covers the full range of care taking needs (the arrival of a new child, to handle your own serious medical condition, to provide care for a loved one who needs you during a critical health crisis, and is affordable and sustainable while also providing enough wage replacement to be usable).
Why are we talking about this now? We were excited last month when news came out that there were Bipartisan efforts underway that could lead to paid leave for more people.
Unfortunately, some members of Congress are putting forth legislation that they say is a paid leave bill - but it is not in fact a good bill and would do nothing to advance meaningful paid leave. Instead of a paid family and medical leave bill, it’s a tax credit bill that basically only lightens the load for a very few large corporations that are already offering paid leave for their employees. It doesn’t expand access to paid leave for those who don’t have it, it doesn’t make paid leave a sustainable investment for small businesses. It doesn’t ensure that working folks can take the time they need to care for themselves or their loved ones. How do we know this? Because we’ve tried this before and… it didn’t work. [1]
Listen, time is of the essence here - we need paid family and medical leave and we’ve needed it for a long time. It’s frankly shocking that we didn’t manage to pass it during the pandemic.
Join us in doing what moms do best - and keep nudging and encouraging and holding Congress accountable to get the job done that we know they very well can do.
There is no question about what good paid leave policies and programs look like. They are comprehensive and equitable. They provide employees with paid time off, up to 12 weeks to bond with and care for a new child, care for a loved one with a critical health crisis, address their own serious health condition or handle needs related to active duty deployment. Good paid leave policies and programs benefit our economy, lift businesses, and help keep people in jobs so they can care for their loved ones when needed the most without jeopardizing their economic security. Good paid leave policies and programs don’t leave anyone out and support all working families. Good paid leave policies and programs mean families have the right to make choices for themselves, their families and their bodies.
Good paid leave policies and programs are critical. That’s why every other industrialized nation already has a national paid leave program in place – and that’s why polls show support for advancing this policy is sky high with Democrats and Republicans alike. They lift families, save lives and keep employees attached to the workforce which is good for businesses and boosts our economy.
Please take a moment now to share this action link on your social media – and forward this email to friends. The more of us who take action, the faster we’ll win!
Thanks for all you do,
--Ruth, Namatie, Kristin, and the whole MomsRising.org & MamásConPoder Team
[1] October 25, 2023 full committee hearing: Exploring Paid Leave: Policy, Practice, and Impact on the Workforce
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