It’s finally here! Today, we are thrilled to announce our 2024 target states.
This year, we know that we’ll be going big to elect candidates in Arizona, Pennsylvania, Nevada, Michigan, Georgia, Wisconsin, and North Carolina. Additionally, we’re closely eyeing New Hampshire and Minnesota — if we secure additional resources, we’ll be investing in those states as well.
If you already know how high the stakes are this year, will you help us get 2024 off to a strong start by donating $20.24 or more today? Or, read on for a deep dive into our electoral strategy.
As always, we use a data-driven approach to select strategic seats in chambers that are critical to gaining or maintaining Democratic control.
This year, we’ve specifically chosen chambers that are presidential battlegrounds — and many have critical Senate, Gubernatorial, and Congressional contests this year as well. Our work at the state legislative level will reverberate up to the top of the ballot.
Every year, our political strategy involves endorsing and supporting candidates in three types of state legislative chambers: blue flips, blue holds, and blue inroads.
Here’s a look into our seven target states and the opportunities for each:
Blue Flips
Arizona: 2 seats needed to flip the State Senate and 2 seats needed to flip the State House
Pennsylvania: 4 seats needed to flip the State Senate blue
Blue Holds
Nevada: Dems hold a majority by only 3 seats in the State Senate and 8 seats in the State Assembly
Michigan: Dems will likely hold a majority by only 2 seats in the State House
Pennsylvania: Democrats will likely hold a majority by only 1 seat in the State House
Blue Inroads
Georgia: New legislative maps remain gerrymandered in favor of Republicans, but open seats and new districts provide opportunities for Democratic inroads
Wisconsin: Democrats need to flip 6 seats in the Senate to gain majority and 1 seat to break Republican supermajority
North Carolina: Open seats and new districts provide opportunities for Democratic inroads and to break the Republican supermajority in each chamber that allows them to override the Governor’s veto
Taken together, we enter 2024 well-positioned to maintain control of vulnerable chambers, flip a few more, and make inroads in longer-term strategic states.
But we know that it will take a tremendous amount of resources, energy, and attention to win at this level of the ballot.
If you’re able to, please support our 2024 plans with a donation of any amount today.
It’ll take all of us working together to help our candidates win by raising small grassroots dollars, talking to voters in their districts, and providing them with good strategy and guidance.
Thank you for being a part of this team.
Sister District HQ
P.S. To learn more details about our 2024 strategy and to share it with your networks, check out our full blog.
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Paid for by Sister District Project. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.
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