Protect riders and Muni operators from coronavirus:
Tell SFMTA to stop fare collection

Public transit is an essential piece of the emergency response. But it needs to be as safe as possible for riders' access to groceries, services, and essential jobs. It also needs to be safe for drivers, who are frontline essential workers. SFMTA has taken good first steps toward preventing unnecessary exposure to the coronavirus, but they can do more. Free Muni during the coronavirus will prevent unneeded interactions and keep Muni drivers and riders safe.

With all-door boarding, extra cleaning, and strategically shifting service where it's needed most, SFMTA is already ahead of most transit agencies in terms of coronavirus response. However, SFMTA can do more to protect Muni drivers and riders.

We support the call by the Muni operators' union, TWU 250A, to halt fare collection, for rear-door boarding only (unless a ramp or assistance is required), and for sufficient service to support social distancing on all buses. We also urge that Muni operators get priority for coronavirus testing, to protect them as well as the riding public.

AC Transit and VTA have stopped collecting fares to encourage social distancing between riders and drivers. Muni drivers have already started to keep front doors of buses closed and to tape up fareboxes. It is time SFMTA took action and supported their operators.

Stand with Muni drivers and the Transport Workers Union by signing our petition calling on SFMTA to stop fare collection during the coronavirus outbreak.

Protecting riders and operators is just the first step in dealing with the coronavirus. SFMTA is losing 70-90% of its normal revenue, making it very difficult to continue to operate. SF Transit Riders has joined advocates across the country to fight for emergency transit operating funds in the federal emergency stimulus bill - as of this writing, the bill includes $25B for public transit across the country, up from $0. We are also joining with California advocates to urge the state to divert as much funding as possible to emergency transit operations.

We will continue to advocate for robust funding of public transit throughout this emergency, and for the recovery that will come. Stay safe and healthy, and we'll get through this together.

Fearing coronavirus, Muni operators demand more protection
AC Transit Statement on No Fares
VTA Statement on No Fares
Transit Is Essential: 2.8 Million U.S. Essential Workers Ride Transit to Their Jobs
Senate Passes Stimulus Bill

San Francisco Transit Riders
P.O. Box 193341,  | San Francisco, California  94119 [email protected]
