MAGA Brad has to go
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John, it's Senator Weiner with the Iowa Senate Democrats.


Since I wrote to you last month, Trump has won elections in Nevada, New Hampshire and now, South Carolina.


We cannot have another Trump Presidency. 


My colleagues and I here at the Iowa Senate Majority Fund stand vehemently against the values that Trump represents. Chip in to join us in safeguarding the rights and futures of all Iowans >>


I know the prospect of another Trump Presidency seems grim, but it's important that we not lose hope. 


Trump's anti-democracy agenda is not representative of what Iowans want. The truth is, we can stop his agenda from spreading


Far-right extremist Sen. Brad Zaun has been one of Trump's most outspoken supporters since 2015. He is a huge reason why Trump gained momentum here in Iowa during his first presidential run in 2016. 


Brad Zaun threw his full support behind Trump because they both stand for the same values that are dragging our state and our nation backwards. 


John, Brad is now running in the 22nd Senate District. You have the power to show him that he and his archaic values are not welcome in Iowa. Will you stand with progress and against MAGA Brad by making a donation of $22 to Iowa Senate Democrats today?

In service,

Sen. Janice Weiner


We’d hate to see you go, but to unsubscribe from future communications, please click here

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As a united team, Senate Democrats will continue to fight for the principles we believe in on behalf of the people of Iowa. We’re fighting for strong working families and the rights and freedoms of all people. We’re fighting for high-quality public education and affordable, accessible healthcare in every community.

Senate Democrats look forward to offering a better way forward for the people of Iowa – in 2024 and beyond. We’re going to defend our incumbent senators, grow our caucus, and win a majority that delivers for middle-class Iowans.

Prefer to donate via mail? Address a check to:

Iowa Senate Majority Fund
5661 Fleur Dr.
Des Moines, IA 50321