Volume 13, Issue 44:

This quote by Alex de Tocqueville has never been truer that it is today:
"The health of a democratic society may be measured by the functions performed by private citizens.'"

----- Alex de Tocqueville

Jump to: Middle East Israel Anti-Semitism

Love and Hatred in the Days of COVID-19

By Sarah Stern / March 25, 2020 / JNS

If you were to take a wider perspective on this current pandemic, you would immediately realize that the earth is like one giant petri dish facing a universal contagion, where we are all in this together. In this dish, both the best and the worst microbes are virulently reproducing.

Among the best qualities: a renewal of looking inward; a quest for understanding and for spirituality; time to reach out to family and friends; compassion for the most vulnerable; an awareness of the fragility of life, and that our time here is limited, for all of us; and a renewed awareness of how we are inextricably linked in a chain that effects one another.

Unfortunately, we also see that there many who are predisposed to hatred and paranoia, and who seek a scapegoat. And the time-proven victims have been the Jews.

(For the whole article please click here)

Upcoming EMET Events

Monday, March 30th  |  3pm EST
Hear from Alex Traiman as he gives an update and follow-up analysis on the historic events that occurred this week regarding the Israeli elections. 

Wednesday, April 1st  |  2pm EST
Tune in for our next webinar featuring Michael Makovsky, President and CEO of the Jewish Institute for National Security of America (JINSA) as he discusses "A Very Narrowly Defined Defense Treaty Between the United States and Israel." 

Wednesday, April 22nd  |  12pm EST
Tune in for our fourth webinar featuring U.S. Special Envoy Elan Carr, as he discusses "The Effort to Combat Global Antisemitism." 


Whirlwind week ends with unity government in Israel, Netanyahu remaining at the helm - Jewish News Syndicate 

Blue and White splits as unity deal with Likud approaches - The Jerusalem Post

Joint Arab List gets chairmanship of Committee dealing with compensating terror victims - Jewish Press 

IDF shoots down drone from Lebanon, says it was flown by Hezbollah - The Times of Israel 

Iran's new guided rocket kit is certain to raise tensions with Israel - The National Interest

Israel's critics distort the country's coronavirus response - The Algemeiner

Pandemic's impact on Israel's national security cannot be ignored - Israel Hayom

First coronavirus death in Israel: an 88-year-old Holocaust survivor - The Jerusalem Post

Middle East

Robert Levinson, a retired FBI agent who vanished in 2007, died in Iranian custody, his family says - The Washington Post

Turkish-occupied Syria cuts off water to 400,000 during pandemic - The Jerusalem Post

Is Tehran exploiting the coronavirus pandemic to continue its nuclear pursuit? - Israel Hayom

Iran rejects international humanitarian aid despite coronavirus death toll - Fox News

Hit Ayatollah Khamenei in his pocketbook - The Wall Street Journal

Power struggle hampers Iran's coronavirus response - NY Times

Imam in Hamas TV Friday sermon a day before coronavirus cases confirmed in Gaza: this virus is a soldier of Allah; Muslims are the least - Memri

In long letter to Americans Iran's Rouhani blames sanctions for coronavirus deaths - Radio Farda 

Egyptian major general dies due to coronavirus, cases rise to 327 - Egyptian Streets

Don't fall for Hezbollah's coronavirus con - Schanzer Pundicity 


Turkey and coronavirus: devout Muslims will defeat the "Jewish Plot" - BESA 

Classic antisemitic allegations arise over coronavirus, says gov't report - The Jerusalem Post 

Founded in 2005, The Endowment for Middle East Truth (EMET) is a Washington, D.C. based think tank and policy center with an unabashedly pro-America and pro-Israel stance. EMET (which means truth in Hebrew) prides itself on challenging the falsehoods and misrepresentations that abound in U.S. Middle East policy.





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