John --
There are only TWO DAYS
LEFT until our Leap Forward Day
events—RSVP while you still have a chance, and
DONATE for your contribution to be MATCHED!
up here!

Help us kick off 2024 by participating in
our Leap Forward Campaign! We get an extra day this
month so let's use it. We will be hosting
3 meetings around the state, where
Forwardists will gather to discuss
our plans for 2024. This
is a big year for the Pennsylvania Forward Party; help us launch our
efforts by reaching
100 new donors by Leap
Day, and donate according to
your capacity or in a multiple of $29 to
celebrate Leap Forward Day. Our leadership team will
match the first $2,000 raised, so contribute now to MAXIMIZE your
impact! The money raised will go towards
our 2024 operations. Learn more
and join the movement below:
Join us to #LeapForward into 2024! We
hope to see you in two days!

Pennsylvania Forward Party https://home.forwardparty.com/