These PACs ain’t subtle.

Bowman for Congress

Hey John,

We’re gonna have to work twice as hard to win this race. That’s because shady PACs are literally encouraging Republicans to re-register as Democrats just to be able to vote against me in my primary.

That means I need to reach *that many more* undecided, independent, and unregistered voters to counteract their dishonest tactics. That’s what our $10,000 February fundraising goal will help me do. Please chip in.


These PACs ain’t subtle:

Representative Bowman greeting a former student

For every dishonest Republican that registers as a Democrat, we’ll need to reach another voter on our side.

That means we’re going to have to up our voter outreach game and we can’t do that without the resources.

Chip in to help me win this race fair and square – no dishonesty needed.


Peace and love,
