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Re: Voters are so... um... _________
After sending out this email last week, I'm happy to report that literally 1000s and 1000s of Texans have utilized our lists! That's HUGE. We're impacting Texas in a positive way. Will it pay off? I guess we'll see next week. Yesterday Fran & I recorded our podcast interview with campaign expert Luke Macias to see what we can expect on Election Day. That gets released Friday!
Now for the not-so-good news... I wanted to update you on the second half of that email as well. I'd mentioned in the video that we are short for our annual budget, and that we need - gulp - 500 people to donate $25/mo. Well, we got 27, which is a good start, but clearly we still have a long way to go. I'd love to quit focusing on this because there are SO many other things we can and should be doing to save Texas, but fundraising has to take priority or we cannot do anything else.
If you were thinking about donating (or thinking someone else would cover it) please know we need you!
Don't forget you'll get a super cool t-shirt (details below). ;-)
See ya on the podcast - Julie
Hey, friends,
Early voting started this week, and I gotta tell ya... sometimes it's scary!Voters really have no idea what they're doing! Ack! They don't know how to find a sample ballot, they're afraid to approach candidates with questions, they don't understand terms like "contested" or "incumbent" or "runoff", they believe everything they read, and honestly, most don't even know the difference between a Primary and the General Election. (Someone told me yesterday he was going to vote for the more conservative Democrat because he lives in a Democrat district; and at the same time told me he was voting for a Republican in a different race. You can't vote in two parties in the Primary!!!).
I titled this email, "Voters are so _______." What word should I use to complete that sentence? Stupid? Nah - they are merely the product of our public education, and frankly, we are all guilty of misplacing our priorities. Civics is way at the bottom of the list, and politics makes most people uncomfortable (for good reason!). I could use other words, like so apathetic, so desperate, so hopeless. Or more negative words, like so lazy, so frustrating, so naive. Oh, there are a lot of adjectives that would be appropriate.
But really it all boils down to this: Voters are so needy.
And that's not so bad... because that's where we step in. True Texas Project is doing something literally nobody else in Texas is doing. We've got voter recommendations by county for everysinglerace on the ballot. So far we have nearly 70 counties listed, and more all the time!
Would we rather folks interview and vet candidates on their own? Sure! But we know they aren't going to do that, and the next best thing is training them to come to us for help. That's a privilege and honor I'll take all day long, and we haven't turned anyone away yet! I have personally spent night and day for weeks now digging into county election websites, cross-referencing other counties, working to find the best resources I can on who the best candidates are, and then listing them all - county by county - on our website.
It's a monstrous task. Texas is huge! But I love that we can offer this. Please, please... share the list.
In the February announcement video Fran and I were pretty blunt about where our finances stand, and it may shock you. We are willing to do the hard work. We are sold out heart and soul to saving Texas.❤️ But we have to have help. So we laid out exactly where we're at: our budget, what we actually spend, how much we fall short, and what it's gonna take to keep TTP going.
I'm pretty sure most other orgs are not this transparent.
You can watch that video by clicking the play button below. The budget talk is at 2:45 the minute mark.
Feb 2024 Announcements
The truth is, if TTP is going to continue having such a massive impact across Texas, you've gotta step up. You know we do a lot...18 satellites, a podcast, a statewide network for a unified voice in Austin, the best trainings, and we even throw in opportunities to have fun and socialize because we all need a break!
If you appreciate our work, we need you to set up a recurring monthly donation. True Texas Project cannot operate without you. A recurring donation helps us know how to budget.
Likewise, not have a recurring donation tells us we need to stop. It tells us you don't see the value in what we offer, and you aren't willing to fund it.
I don't know how to be any more straight forward than that. It's pretty black and white. Please click below to set up your recurring donation to True Texas Project. We need 500 of you to give $20/mo.
We are happy to take any amount. We've got some teenagers donating $5/month! But for those who donate $25/month, we'll get you a free t-shirt.
You know you want one! (Who wouldn't???)
Thanks for reading. Thanks for encouraging us. Thanks for being involved. And thanks for the support!
For the love of Texas, Julie McCarty, CEO True Texas Project
PS. When you donate, you can determine if you want to donate to the c(3) for a tax deduction used for any of our education/training programs, the c(4) which is the most versatile for us, or the PAC which is only used for supporting candidates. You can also designate which satellite you want it to go towards. On top of that, we can help you set up donations from your managed retirement funds, from your employer's charitable services, or even as part of your will so that Texas has the resources to fight for liberty well after you and I have passed. What a legacy!
So there are lots of options -- jump on in, and let us know if we can help!
True Texas Project works hard to train and engage activists. Can you help? We are 100% donation-based. Click here to donate to our movement. TrueTexasProject.com NOTE: TTP does NOT pay a fee to WinRed for using their donation site. We only pay a processing fee to the credit card company (and you have the option to cover it).
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