John, I'm furious. Just last month, Florida activists secured hundreds of thousands of signatures to put codifying reproductive rights on the ballot this November.
But now, far-right extremists are SUING to remove this question from the ballot — and following the recent hearing, the Florida Supreme Court could issue a ruling as soon as NEXT WEEK!
Unfortunately, this is just the latest example of out-of-touch extremists trying to silence Florida voters. From abortion rights to voting rights, whether in the state house in Tallahassee or on the Senate floor in Washington, our leaders are forcing their extreme agenda on Florida families.
Ya no màs — enough is enough. I refuse to stand for it. That’s why I'm running for Senate to defeat Rick Scott, restore abortion rights nationwide, and give Florida the leadership that we deserve. And now, with all eyes on our state, I'm counting on you to stand with me: Please, will you split $25 between my campaign and Mary Trump's Democracy Defense Fund before midnight tonight to help me flip Florida blue and fight for families?
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It's no secret why far-right extremists are working so hard to take this question off the ballot: They know that Florida is ready to follow states like Ohio and Kansas to reject our radical abortion ban and choose to protect our right to privacy, our right to choice, and our most basic freedoms.
No matter how many lawsuits they file or lies they spread, the GOP can't change it: Abortion is going to be the driving force at the ballot box this November. And that's why Rick Scott and his campaign are absolutely spiraling.
He knows his record on choice is nothing short of abysmal. That's why he's panicking, and calling me a liar to the press every chance he gets. John, let me make this clear: Rick Scott co-sponsored a nationwide ban on abortions, just like the statewide one that his radical friend Ron DeSantis signed here in Florida last year. I am unapologetically pro-choice, and his accusations don't scare me. I will always fight to protect reproductive freedom.
I know that we can defeat Rick Scott this fall, but only if people like you believe in Florida and invest in our campaign. So I'm asking one last time: Please, will you split a donation between my campaign and Democracy Defense Fund to help me defend our Senate majority, flip Florida blue, and restore abortion access across all 50 states?
Thank you so much,