Dear John,
First of all, I hope that you and your loved ones are healthy and safe in these turbulent times. At Ceres’ our main focus has been on the health and well-being of our staff and their families, and ensuring that we are acting in solidarity with the brave health care workers who are on the front lines of the COVID-19 response. We know that you, too, are doing what you can to protect your families, livelihoods, employees and communities.
Though we have been rapidly adjusting to a remote workforce, our work has marched forward. When Ceres 2020 could not proceed as planned as a gathering in New York City, we worked quickly with our partners, speakers and sponsors to transform the event into a series of digital programs. The first of these programs were live-streamed this week. To those of you who helped us along on our digital journey, your commitment and support is so appreciated, and we thank you.
As our society grapples with this global pandemic, our efforts are rightly focused on the immediate need to treat those who fall ill, combat the spread of the virus, and protect the most vulnerable in our communities. But we should also take stock of what this moment has to teach us about the future we need to build once the crisis has passed.
As I noted in my latest column in, the pandemic is a painful reminder of our universal interconnectedness—of our vulnerability to the seismic risks and sudden shocks to which our current capital market systems expose us.
We see more clearly than ever before that businesses need to build a model of shared value, one that benefits employees, the environment, and their bottom lines. And hopefully, we now have a much greater appreciation for the mass mobilization needed to tackle a common crisis, whether a result of coronavirus or climate change. |
One thing that history has shown us is that a crisis can produce real change. The power of collective action will become evident. True leaders will emerge. The impossible will become inevitable. Innovative ideas and policy solutions will take hold, save lives, and eventually, help to get the economy back on track.
In the coming months, and in the year ahead, we will work with you to chart a new way forward in our new reality. Together, we will build a more sustainable, equitable and resilient future for all. |
Stay safe and healthy, and we hope to be together again soon.

Mindy Lubber
CEO and President,
Ceres | |