Help me send a message before midnight →

John: Gun violence requires immediate attention. Lives are literally at stake.

Help me send a message to Mitch McConnell and Republicans: Add your name and demand action now. We’re short of the 10,000 signatures we need by midnight.

The plan my Democratic House Majority and I advanced to prevent gun violence is popular, bipartisan, and has the potential to save lives while still honoring the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens.

It should be a no-brainer, but Mitch McConnell and Republicans in Congress value the money coming out of the NRA more than the will of the American people. And the NRA will do and spend whatever it takes to keep guns in our communities and meet its bottom line.

The NRA might be stopping Republicans from doing the right thing, but it won’t stop us.

Add your support now

If McConnell and Republicans don’t do something to prevent gun violence, we will hold them accountable and defeat them on Election Day. The NRA might be powerful, but it’s nothing compared to the power I’ve seen when this group of grassroots activists comes together and demands change.

We still haven’t reached our goal to get 10,000 signatures to show a united front on this critical issue. Add yours now →

Never let up,


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