Hi Friends,
As attacks on America's Biblical foundation, life, marriage, and freedom to share Christ intensify, there's a growing motivation among pastors and Christians to actively restore this foundation. Now, we must focus on acquiring the practical "HOW-TO" skills needed for effective action.
We are excited to announce a very important zoom call happening on Election Day, March 5th at 2pm PST/5pm EST!
You do not want to miss this informative zoom call as it will be a practical “HOW-TO” training to encourage and equip Christians, Pastors, and conservative leaders to “move the needle,” truly impacting the real outcomes of local, state, and federal elections!
The training will feature our very own PJI attorneys and ministry leaders:
We strongly encourage you and any of your church leader(s) to participate in this 45-minute training session followed by a Q&A session.
Please register by clicking the link below and be equipped to actively participate in civic engagement!
Let us fulfill our Biblical duties towards civil government, including praying for and electing God-fearing leaders!
Pacific Justice Institute Team