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When times get tough, Montanans come together. That has never been as true as it is as we face COVID-19.

When I launched Teaching Together, I wanted to be sure folks could find the necessary resources to both give and receive help as we do our part to mitigate the spread of COVID-19.

You can find more information about the resources listed below at
Lend a Hand

Across our state, we are protecting our neighbors and staying home in one of the greatest acts of solidarity we have ever seen.

As unemployment skyrockets and the state opts to close all non-essential businesses, organizations like the Montana Food Bank Network, American Red Cross, and your local United Way could use your support.
Find Care

Just as importantly, we must remember that home and solitude are not safe for many of our neighbors. If you need help, please visit our website and refer to our list of resources we have compiled for folks who may need assistance during this time.

Montanans are resilient. We will get through this, but we will need to work together, even while we're apart.

In solidarity,
Paid for By
Romano for Montana, Democrat
PO Box 6985, Helena, MT 59604
Karen Moses, Treasurer

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