Lisa Blunt Rochester for Senate

Extreme Republicans have a plan to win elections: keep folks from voting.

Last Friday, Delaware’s Superior Court issued a decision to strike down early voting and permanent absentee voting. While we wait to see if the state will appeal the ruling, it’s critical that we speak up against this rollback of our rights.

Let’s call this for what it is: a ruling to prevent people from voting – particularly Black and Brown voters – because Republicans are worried they can’t win an election fair and square.

Trapped in the balcony overlooking the House floor when insurrectionists attacked our Capitol on January 6th, I saw firsthand how fragile our democracy is – and how one person's obsession with power almost overturned the will of the American people.

Make no mistake, there is a throughline from the other day's ruling and that dark day for our nation: a toxic blend of politics that seeks to subvert our elections.

This ruling is an urgent reminder that we need federal voting rights protections. Free, fair, and more accessible elections make a stronger democracy. I will stop at nothing to protect it. It’s fundamental to who we are as Americans.

Folks, it's important that we have an outpouring of support to show that a majority of Delawareans stand united behind early voting and permanent absentee voting. Will you join me by adding your name to our petition?

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With you,

- Lisa