
The Biden administration is close to implementing a new national rule, requiring a six-factor test that will completely destroy self-employment, side hustles, and gig work nationwide. The situation could not be more serious than it is now.

So many people spoke out when Congress sought to enact new restrictions on worker freedom and flexibility

Americans shared their stories explaining why they value their independent work and how national efforts to reclassify them will devastate them. 

If you’re among the 70+ million independent workers — freelancers, gig workers, side hustlers — we want to hear from you. And we need your voice to be heard!
This new strict rule will replace a more friendly independent contractor rule enacted during the Trump administration and will likely lead to the sweeping reclassification of millions of people who are self-employed, freelance, or engage in gig work against their wills.

Independent contracting provides people, especially women, with flexible work arrangements. They can earn additional income or their livelihoods on their schedule while balancing other priorities such as raising children, caring for aging parents and sick spouses, or managing their health challenges.

The Biden administration’s rule is anti-woman and anti-worker.
When California implemented similar restrictions on independent contracting through Assembly Bill 5 (AB5), tens of thousands of Californians—particularly women—lost incomes, contracts, and even their livelihoods. Self-employment across the states plummeted by 10.5% and overall employment fell by 4.4%. 

Congress can rescind the new rule on independent contractors and we hope they do. However, they need to hear your stories. 

Friend, if you’re an independent contractor, please share your story of being self-employed or a freelancer and what this stringent new regulation against free and flexible work means to you or your business.
Yours in the fight,

Patrice Onwuka
Director, Center for Economic Opportunity (CEO)
Independent Women’s Forum

P.S. To further understand the consequences of this new rule, read my colleague Whitney Munro’s new oped in USA Today: Biden’s New Rule on Independent Contractors Wages War on Workers, Women and Entrepreneurs