Today, Victoria Spartz for Congress released the following statement in response to Chuck Goodrich’s pathetic, dishonest campaign ads:
Chuck Goodrich does not have a record of fighting for conservative values.  Goodrich runs for office to benefit his own business and personal bottom line with Hoosiers’ tax dollars.  Now he’s running a smear campaign distorting Victoria Spartz’s record and counting on the local media not to hold him accountable.
Goodrich’s recent ad accuses Spartz of not being tough on border security or crime.  The reality is that Spartz has traveled to the border numerous times, fought for aggressive oversight of the Biden administration’s failed immigration policies, encouraged Indiana sheriffs and the Governor to help the state of Texas, pushed for tough border legislation, fought with the leadership to include border security in the must-pass appropriations, supported bills to support law enforcement and toughen punishment for crimes commiteed by illegal aliens, fought for legislation cracking down on Chinese fentanyl, and advocated for designating Mexican cartels as a Foreign Terrorist Organization.  Goodrich’s attacks are desperate and false.
Chuck Goodrich is just another big government Republican who would give the Department of Justice, the FBI, and activist federal prosecutors more power to persecute conservatives just as they have done to President Trump and his allies while allowing liberal rioters and violent criminals to commit crimes with impunity.” 
Goodrich references two bills in his false tv ads: the “Smarter Pretrial Dentation Act” and “Right to Trial Act”.
The Smarter Pretrial Detention Act followed in the footsteps of the First Step Act, led by President Trump, and was endorsed by the American Conservative Union (known as CPAC). All this bill does is allow judges discretion on pretrial detention for nonviolent crimes to consider each individual case more fairly and free up overwhelmed system to better deal with violent offenders. The conservative FreedomWorks group also voiced their support for this legislation introduced by Senator Mike Lee on the senate side, with their President Adam Brandon urging members to call their senators and encourage them to support the bill. The Right to Trial Act is truly an attempt to strengthen the 6th Amendment constitutional right to trial and mitigate abuses of prosecutorial authority in our federal justice system, as we have seen most recently with the January 6th defendants.
These are some rare occasions when real constitutional conservatives, who believe in the equality of rights and a fair justice system for all Americans, not just for the rich and politicly connected, and liberals can find common ground. Similarly, what is happening now with the FISA Sec. 702 re-authorization legislation protecting 4th Amendment rights against warrantless surveillance of the U.S. citizens, fought by Reps. Jim Jordan and Jerry Nadler on the same side against the D.C. establishment.
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