Act now before this incredible chance to double your impact ends.
The Birds You Love Need Help
National Audubon Society
Show Birds The Love; Scarlet Tanager
Scarlet Tanager.
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Only hours left: Double your impact for the birds you love before midnight
Your Gift Protects Birds; Scarlet Tanager, Piping Plover, Rufous Hummingbird illustraion
Birds are already suffering from the effects of climate change—effects that will only intensify unless we change course. But there’s hope in action, and we have practical, effective solutions.

Drawing on over a century of expertise, we’re defending the laws that protect birds and promoting strong new legislation that will deliver them a brighter future. The Migratory Birds of the Americas Conservation Enhancements Act would expand available funding to protect habitats across the Western Hemisphere and the Recovering America's Wildlife Act, will ramp up support for declining species and conserve them before they become endangered.
The birds we love need protection
Scarlet Tanager Icon.
There are nearly 400 North American bird species at increasing risk of extinction due to climate change.
Scarlet Tanager Icon.
That list includes beloved species like the Scarlet Tanager.
Scarlet Tanager Icon.
Scarlet Tanagers could find two-thirds of their current breeding range unsuitable if climate change continues unchecked.
But we can—and must—do more right now. And to accomplish our ambitious goals for birds, we need you. So please, start your annual gift right away and get your first donation matched, up to $25,000. Until midnight tonight, your generosity will go twice as far for the Scarlet Tanager and all the birds we love.


National Audubon Society
Photo: Travis Bonovsky/Audubon Photography Awards. Illustrations: Scarlet Tanager, Piping Plover, Rufous Hummingbird.
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(844) 428-3826

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