A Note from Chrissy:

I hope you’re staying well during this difficult time. Please know that I am doing everything I can to help our community, our Commonwealth, and our country respond to this crisis. We’ve held four virtual town halls – the last two had over 4,000 people dial in – and are doing another next week.

Like so many, I am beyond frustrated with the challenges our health care workers are facing and, as an entrepreneur myself, I know firsthand what small businesses are going through. My team and I are working hard to address the most urgent issues people are facing right now, so I wanted to share a quick update:


Reading Eagle. Congresswoman Chrissy Houlahan gives an update on coronavirus. From news about what's being done in Congress to insight from public health experts, here's a look at what was shared at one of Chrissy's telephone town halls this week.
Daily Local News. Houlahan calls on federal government to take action in wake of dire crisis. Chrissy wrote a letter calling on the Secretary of Health and Human Services to support Pennsylvanian communities with the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) they need to keep everyone safe.
Daily Local News. Chesco business owners get promise that help is on the way. As a former small business owner, Chrissy has made economic relief for business owners and their employees a top priority during this emergency.
Daily Local News. Houlahan passes Families First coronavirus response to protect residents. This emergency package supports Pennsylvanians with free testing, an Emergency Paid Leave program, bolstered food assistance programs, protection for the unemployed and most vulnerable, support for our health care workers and first responders, and enhanced Medicaid benefits.
Reading Eagle. Coronavirus town hall hosted by U.S. Rep. Chrissy Houlahan focuses on the facts. “Be prepared. Do not panic. Use common sense. Those were the key messages during a telephone town hall about the coronavirus hosted by U.S. Rep. Chrissy Houlahan Tuesday morning.”
USA Today. A call to action: Service to nation can help the rift that divides Americans. Chrissy co-authored this op-ed and introduced a bill that would make young people eligible for in-state tuition, pad community college, and hiring incentives in exchange for one year participation in a national service program.


Please know that in these stressful and uncertain times, I'm here for you, working for you, as long as there is work to be done. We're in this together, and you're on my mind every day.

Thank you for staying vigilant, making smart choices, and being part of the community response. More soon.

– Chrissy