
Sick of being right yet?

Let the math do the talking:

49% of Republicans in Iowa.

44% of Republicans in New Hampshire.

Roughly 40% of Republicans in South Carolina.

All of them voted against Trump.

The guy who's "unstoppable." The guy who's basically running as an incumbent. Between 40-50% of Republican primary voters the absolute, most motivated core of the party – do NOT want Donald Trump as their nominee.

Many of those voters aren't coming back to him. (And when we run ads like this and this to them using trusted GOP validators to make our points for us, they're even LESS likely to go back to the orange fascist.)

Then, think about the landscape that is shifting away from Trump even as we speak. An extremist Alabama Supreme Court just saw to that with their IVF decision. It's only the next step in the GOP's war on women. They are still pushing a federal ban on abortion. Would you care to bet that birth control is next?

Not to mention the tire fire that is the House GOP. They blew up an immigration bill their voters wanted because Trump personally killed it. They are not doing themselves any favors electorally, and every day that goes by showing the contrast between steady leadership and the insane guy who just forgot his wife's name at a campaign rally, the better off the pro-democracy movement is in November.

Flip this around. If this were happening to President Biden, the media would be ALL over it. If you're on social media, it's a good idea to point out that insanity. Check out how we do it every day and then post away. We have to break down this insane mental block they have.

Where does that leave us? South Carolina just dealt another blow to Trump. He's going to be the nominee. But he's on track to be a stumbling, ranting, broken wreck by the time November rolls around. And that's very good news for America.

We're not stopping. We've got our foot on the gas pedal every day. The work you're helping support matters, and the results keep showing just how much of an impact we're making. With your help, we're going to win this in November >>



-The Lincoln Project

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