Good afternoon Housing Not Handcuffs supporters, 

We are so thankful to everyone who registered for the Johnson v. Grants Pass Webinar. We can't overstate how much we appreciate your input, questions, comments, concerns, and amplification about this landmark case. From the creative content we've seen on social media to the amici support and sign-on offers we've received, it has been incredible to witness individuals and organizations from across the country come together in an effort to show the Supreme Court that homelessness is not a crime. This is the collective power we need to challenge the billionaire-backed campaign to criminalize homelessness.

The Johnson v. Grants Pass Webinar is now available for everyone to view on the National Homelessness Law Center YouTube:

Wondering how you can help us win Johnson v. Grants Pass?
Click here to visit our "How You Can Help" page at

About the case:

On April 22nd 2024, the Supreme Court of the United States will hear the case of Johnson v. Grants Pass. This sets the stage for the most significant Supreme Court case about the rights of homeless people in decades. At its core, this case will decide whether cities are allowed to punish people for things like sleeping outside with a pillow or blanket, even when there are no safe shelter options. The specific question at hand asks whether the Eighth Amendment includes people who have no choice but to sleep outside in the richest country in the world.

To learn more about the most important case to impact homelessness in decades, visit

Stay tuned for more updates regarding the case. In the coming months we will be holding additional webinars, developing educational social media tool kits to share, and more. For questions about the case and how you can support this movement, visit the How You Can Help link above, or reply to this email.



Sam Hozian (they/them)
Communications Associate
National Homelessness Law Center