When I entered this race, I knew the establishment would be out to get me.
But I never imagined how dirty their attacks would be.
Career politicians are TERRIFIED of me because I’m a battle-tested Green Beret who won’t bend the knee to the swamp.
After their latest round of attacks, I want to set the record straight: I’m the ONLY candidate in this race who can secure the border and END the crisis that has taken too many American lives.
I support finishing the wall, funding border patrol, and reinstating President Trump’s remain in Mexico policy.
We don’t owe anyone economic amnesty, and we MUST put America FIRST in everything we do.
I put together a new video to show North Carolina EXACTLY where I stand on the border crisis, and I need every patriot to watch it now.
Watch our new video now, and while you’re here, pitch in a few bucks to send a battle-tested Green Beret to Congress!