

With the first full week of this Lent's 40 Days for Life campaign in the books, we know of 35 babies saved from abortion in response to YOUR prayers!

40 Days for Life participants in front of Houston's mega-abortion facility were able to redirect a woman seeking a pregnancy test from Planned Parenthood to their mobile pregnancy center.

But when the pregnancy test came back positive, the young mom said she was too young to be a mother and too early in her pregnancy for her child to be considered a baby. "The baby is very little and not a baby yet, right?" she asked.

The woman's mother affirmed her daughter's desire to abort.

But an ultrasound changed everything. "The beautiful sound of this 'very little, not a baby yet' heartbeat was clear enough to make the two women speechless," wrote the Houston 40 Days for Life leadership team. "They turned to each other with tears and hugged, and their hearts made a connection to that baby's heartbeat."


Texas law protects unborn children, but women still show up at the world's largest Planned Parenthood looking for referrals out of state.

However, this story of a baby saved by the sound of the child's own heartbeat shows just why it's so important to continue showing up to pray even in states where abortion is illegal.

"Miracles like this can only be possible when we unite in prayer to our Heavenly Father who gives us the opportunity to make a difference," continued the Houston leadership team. "Women are still finding themselves in crisis pregnancies..."


Sarasota, Florida

A confused man stopped to talk with Kathie in front of Planned Parenthood. He was accompanied by a family member who had asked him to drive her somewhere...but he didn't know where he was taking her or why.

His passenger was pregnant, had a six-month-old baby in the back seat, and was headed for an abortion because she just didn't feel she had enough energy for another baby.

Instead, Kathie was there to offer help and hope. She accompanied the family to the pregnancy help center, where the mother had an ultrasound and chose life!


Bellevue, Nebraska

Sidewalk counselors at the abortion facility previously owned by the late LeRoy Carhart weren't able to connect with a Spanish-speaking abortion-seeker in her native tongue...

...but the gift of a rose transcended language, and she didn't go through with the abortion.

"We are ecstatic," wrote Bob, the Bellevue 40 Days for Life leader. "Perseverance, prayer, and fasting pay off!"


Amen, amen, I say to you, we speak of what we know and we testify to what we have seen, but you people do not accept our testimony. If I tell you about earthly things and you do not believe, how will you believe if I tell you about heavenly things?”

--John 3:11-12

Creator of all things, we praise you for your magnificent creation. We seek the truth in science because we cannot help but wonder at your works. Inspire our medical and scientific leaders to pursue the truth, proclaiming the existence of life in the womb and defending it until natural death.

Still haven’t been to the 40 Days for Life vigil? If not ... why not this week? Find the location nearest you and get involved!

For life,


Shawn Carney
President/CEO, 40 Days for Life

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40 Days for Life 4112 E 29th St. Bryan, Texas 77802 United States (888) LIFE-316